Phuentsholing is the Gateway of Bhutan. The lands of simplicity and serenity! The place where time flows in slow motion!

The Himalayan Kingdom of Majestic beauty!

Phuentsholing is the border city of Southern Bhutan which adjoins Jaigaon, the border city of India. By availing car rental in Phuentsholing, you can visualize the beauty of one very ornate gate adjoining two countries, i.e India & Bhutan.

Excited? You must be! To make your trip more comfortable, here we are going to tell you in details about interesting things to do in Phuentsholing-

  1. Bhutan Gate

Well, the difference between Indian culture and Bhutani culture is huge. Once you take just one step inside the Bhutan gate into Bhutan, smiling faces and alert cops would replace everything messy, chaotic at the other side of the gate towards Jaigaon, India.

There are not much of touristy things to do at Bhutan gates except clicking some extraordinary pictures.

  • Staying In Phuentsholing Hotels

Bhutanese life is so simple and so the food, liquor & bakery goods are amazingly nice. All the hotels and the restaurants are quite affordable as well as nice. It is a kind of experience to stay in one of these comfortable hotels and exploring the daily city life which is breathtaking. It is surely going to refresh you to the mind as well as your soul.

  • Visiting Zangto Pelri Lhakhang

You can head straight to the Bhutan Monasteries or take a break to sip some coffee before heading to the sightseeing in Bhutan. If you want to know about Buddhism, you should explore Zangto Pelri Lhakhang. It has an exact replica of Guru Rinpoche and eight life-size different instances of the holy Guru.

Be the holiest person and take a trip!

  • Exploring Karbandi Monastery

Situated at a height of 400mt, Karbandi Monastery provides a panoramic view of the entire Phuentsholing city. There are 8 Tibetan Buddha Stupas, large impressive statues of Guru Rinpoche, and other Gods. Here you can explore many Tibetans can be seen to offer their prayer. Legend says this monastery is worship for childless people by giving them the blessings of a child.

Reckoned as the commercial hub of Bhutan, Phuentsholing seems to be a paradise for all the shop-lovers. Below mentioned things you can buy from here to take back home such as-

  • Traditional Bhutanese things like shoes, sneakers, and traditional clothes Kira for women
  • Bone china crockery
  • Oriental carvings
  • oriental carpets
  •  Rugs
  • And decorative items.
  • Tasting The Bhutanese Cuisines

This one for foodies!

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One of the most astonishing things to do in the city would be to eat and taste everything that it has to offer. Wow! It is a paradise for non-vegetarians and Bengali as well as Thai cuisines are quite popular. There are two coffee shops offering a very rich variety of bakery items and coffee, Kizom Cafe is one of them.

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